Here are some of the projects I’ve created over the years. In addition, a complete list of my articles in Asheville’s Mountain Xpress can be found here. Most of my radio pieces can be found on my PRX page. Please also feel free to check out and subscribe to my YouTube Channel, which has a mix of original songs, covers, travel videos, audio pieces, cultural collaborations, and some fun movement experiments.
GlobeSongs YouTube series/channel (2021)Under My Skin (CD, 2009)The Sophisticated Savage (ethnographic memoir, 2009)Earth Flavors series profiling local growers and ingredients (2013-14)Who Are My People? (CD, 2013)Personal Essay in Schwa Fire (2014)Old Farmer’s Ball history audio doc (2019)Quante Stelle nel Cielo con la Luna (featured cover, 2009)Pieces on The Splendid Table (2015)Pachelbel’s Canon cover & video (2017)Practicing Awareness, audio doc on the shakuhachi (2006)“With Flour on Her Hands,” audio doc on the millers at Carolina Ground (2014)Far and Wide music video (2011)Azerbaijani Housewife music video (2009)Cover story on food philosophies in Mountain Xpress (2015)Simmer radio series (2013)Bowing Before Gods: A Yovo Encounters Voodoo in Benin (article, 2012)Enough Stuff (Waste Song) video (2013/2021)Audio Postcard from Azerbaijan (2008)Hominy, Fry Bread, Ramps, and a Casino: Evolving Cherokee Foodways (2018)“The Ride of a Lifetime” on the world’s most dangerous road (article, 2004)“Radio Réussite” French language girls’ empowerment series in Togo (2010)Living History Tour in Death Valley (2002)“Fairy Food: The Little People’s Potato” (2015)Girls’ empowerment song “La Belle Vie” (2010)No Dessert (audio doc, 2011)Fufu and Guinea Fowl blog from Togo (2010-11)